Eric Bergman-Terrell's Blog

ASP.NET Tip: How to programmatically add <META> tags to .aspx page
October 4, 2010

The HTML <META> tag is used to store information about a page. Including <META> tags in your pages may make your site more search engine friendly. <META> tags must be nested immediately under the <HEAD> tag. You can specify a page's keywords and description with <META> tags. For example, the old ASP.NET implementation of my articles.aspx page had the following <META> tags:

<meta name="keywords" content="Articles, Eric Bergman-Terrell, S3, .NET, C#, dotnet, Web Services, ASP.NET, Windows Forms" />

<meta name="description" content="Magazine articles written by Eric Bergman-Terrell" />

You can programmatically add <META> tags to your pages as follows by populating an HtmlMeta object and inserting it in the page's Header.Controls container. For example, I use the following code to add <META> tags to pages on my site. The keywords object is a DataSet that contains keywords and descriptions for most of the pages on the site:

private void AddMetaTags()
    if (keywords != null)
        string filter = string.Format("Page = '{0}'", Request.Url.AbsolutePath);

        DataRow[] rows = keywords.Tables[0].Select(filter);

        if (rows.Length == 1)
            string keywordText = rows[0]["Keywords"] as string;
            string descriptionText = rows[0]["Description"] as string;

            if (keywordText != null || descriptionText != null)
                if (keywordText != null)
                    // Create a META tag.
                    HtmlMeta meta = new HtmlMeta();

                    meta.Attributes.Add("name", "keywords");
                    meta.Attributes.Add("content", keywordText);


                if (descriptionText != null)
                    // Create a META tag.
                    HtmlMeta meta = new HtmlMeta();

                    meta.Attributes.Add("name", "description");
                    meta.Attributes.Add("content", descriptionText);

Keywords: Meta Tags, SEO, HtmlMeta, ASP.NET

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