Drop | Removes the topmost value from the stack. |
Swap | Exchanges the two items on the top of the stack. |
Clear Ent | Clears the value being entered. |
Clear All | Clears the value being entered as well as the entire stack. |
√x | Computes the square root of x. |
+/- | Changes the sign of x. In other words, multiplies it by -1. |
Fix | Causes numerical values to be displayed with x digits to the right of the decimal point. |
Float | Causes numerical values to be displayed in floating-point format. |
Sci Not | Used to enter numbers in scientific notation. In other words, computes x * 10^y. |
1 / x | Computes the reciprocal of x. |
String | Prompts the user for a string and places the string on the stack. |
Custom | Displays custom buttons in a dialog when screen space is limited. |
[…]→ | Moves all values from an array to the stack. |
→[…] | Moves all values on the stack into an array. |
x→[…] | Moves the top x values on the stack into an array. |
x! | Computes the factorial of x. |
÷ | Computes x ÷ y. |
× | Computes x × y. |
− | Computes x − y. |
+ | Computes x + y. |
y^x | Computes y raised to power x. |
% | Computes x / 100. |
x^2 | Computes the square of x. |
π | Computes pi. |
Enter | Places the current value on the stack. If there is no current value, duplicates x. |
BS | Removes the most recently entered digit or decimal point from the value in the Value Entry Area. |
|x| | Computes the absolute value of x. | Main.absoluteValue(x) |
Integer Part(x) | Replaces x with the whole number portion of x. | Main.integerPart(x) |
Fractional Part(x) | Replaces x with the fractional portion of x. | Main.fractionalPart |
Round(x) | Rounds x. | Main.round(x) |
⌊x⌋ | Computes the floor of x. In other words, the largest whole number not greater than x. | Main.floor(x) |
⌈x⌉ | Computes the ceiling of x. In other words, the smallest whole number not less than x. | Main.ceiling |
log(x) | Computes the common (base 10) logarithm of x. | Main.Log |
10^x | Computes the inverse decimal logarithm of x. In other words, computes 10 raised to the power of x. | Main.tenToX(x) |
e | Computes Euler's constant. e = 2.71828... | Main.e |
LN(x) | Computes the natural logarithm of x. | Main.LN(x) |
e^x | Computes the inverse natural logarithm of x. | Main.e_To_x(x) |
modulo(n, divisor) | Computes n modulo divisor. The modulo operation returns the integer division remainder. | Main.modulo(n, divisor) |
Find Fraction(number, iterations) | Computes an approximate fraction for x, with a precision proportional to y. For example, Find Fraction(3.14159, 100) = [3, 12, 85] since 3.14159 ≈ 3 12/85. | Main.findFraction(number, iterations) |
Degrees → Radians | Converts x, which must be a value in degrees, into radians. | Trig.radians(degrees) |
Radians → Degrees | Converts x, which must be a value in radians, into degrees. | Trig.degrees(radians) |
Sin(degrees) | Computes the sine of x, which must be a value in degrees. | Trig.Sin(degrees) |
ASin(x) | Computes the inverse sine of x, in degrees. | Trig.ASin(x) |
Cos(degrees) | Computes the cosine of x, which must be a value in degrees. | Trig.Cos(degrees) |
ACos(x) | Computes the inverse cosine of x, in degrees. | Trig.ACos(x) |
Tan(degrees) | Computes the tangent of x, which must be a value in degrees. | Trig.Tan(degrees) |
ATan(x) | Computes the inverse tangent of x, in degrees. | Trig.ATan(x) |
SinH(x) | Computes the hyperbolic sine of x, which must be a value in degrees. | Trig.SinH |
ASinH(x) | Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of x, in degrees. | Trig.ASinH(x) |
CosH(x) | Computes the hyperbolic cosine of x, which must be a value in degrees. | Trig.CosH(x) |
ACosH(x) | Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x, in degrees. | Trig.ACosH(x) |
TanH(x) | Computes the hyperbolic tangent of x, which must be a value in degrees. | Trig.TanH(x) |
ATanH(x) | Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x, in degrees. | Trig.ATanH(x) |
Create Variable(value) | Stores x as a variable. The user is prompted to supply the variable's name. | Memory.CreateVariable(value) |
Retrieve Variable | Retrieves a variable value selected by the user. | Memory.retrieveVariable() |
Update Variable(value) | Updates the value of a variable selected by the user. | Memory.updateVariable(value) |
Delete Variable | Deletes a variable selected by the user. Note: having a large number of variables can reduce performance. Delete variables when they are no longer needed. | Memory.deleteVariable() |
Delete All Variables | Deletes all stored values and log entries. Note: having a large number of variables can reduce performance. Delete variables when they are no longer needed. | Memory.deleteAllVariables() |
Now | Calculates the current date and time (returns a JavaScript Date object). | Dates.Now() |
Enter Date/Time | Prompts the user for a date and time, and returns the corresponding date time (JavaScript Date object). | Dates.enterDateTime() |
Diff in Days(d1, d2) | Calculates the difference, in decimal days, between two date times (JavaScript Date objects). | Dates.diffInDays(d1, d2) |
Add Interval(date, interval) | Adds the interval to the date. | Dates.prototype.addInterval(date, interval) |
Subtract Interval(date, interval) | Subtracts the interval from the date. | Dates.prototype.subtractInterval(date, interval) |
Enter Interval | Prompts the user for an interval. An interval is a specified number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. | Interval.prototype.enterInterval() |
Enter Bin | Prompts the user to enter a binary (base 2) number. | ComputerMath.enterBin() |
Enter Oct | Prompts the user to enter an octal (base 8) number. | ComputerMath.enterOct() |
Enter Dec | Prompts the user to enter a decimal (base 10) number. | ComputerMath.enterDec() |
Enter Hex | Prompts the user to enter a hexadecimal (base 16) number. | ComputerMath.enterHex() |
→Bin | Converts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number to binary. | ComputerMath.toBin() |
→Oct | Converts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number to octal. | ComputerMath.toOct() |
→Dec | Converts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number to decimal. | ComputerMath.ToDec() |
→Hex | Converts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number to hexadecimal. | ComputerMath.ToHex() |
+ | Adds two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers. | ComputerMath.add(a, b) |
− | Subtracts two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers. | ComputerMath.subtract(a, b) |
× | Multiplies two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers. | ComputerMath.multiply(a, b) |
÷ | Divides two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers. | ComputerMath.divide(a, b) |
And(a, b) | Calculates the bitwise AND of two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers. | ComputerMath.And(a, b) |
Or(a,b) | Calculates the bitwise OR of two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers. | ComputerMath.Or(a, b) |
XOr(a, b) | Calculates the bitwise Exclusive OR of two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers. | ComputerMath.XOr(a, b) |
Not(a) | Calculates the one's compliment of a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number. | ComputerMath.Not(a) |
→Double | Converts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number into a double-precision floating point value. | ComputerMath.toDecimal(n) |