EBTCalc (Android) Reference

Built-in Buttons

Note: In the following table: if x and y are specified, x denotes the second to topmost stack value, and y denotes the topmost value. If just x is specified, x denotes the topmost stack item.

DropRemoves the topmost value from the stack.
SwapExchanges the two items on the top of the stack.
Clear EntClears the value being entered.
Clear AllClears the value being entered as well as the entire stack.
√xComputes the square root of x.
+/-Changes the sign of x. In other words, multiplies it by -1.
FixCauses numerical values to be displayed with x digits to the right of the decimal point.
FloatCauses numerical values to be displayed in floating-point format.
Sci NotUsed to enter numbers in scientific notation. In other words, computes x * 10^y.
1 / xComputes the reciprocal of x.
StringPrompts the user for a string and places the string on the stack.
CustomDisplays custom buttons in a dialog when screen space is limited.
[…]→Moves all values from an array to the stack.
→[…]Moves all values on the stack into an array.
x→[…]Moves the top x values on the stack into an array.
x!Computes the factorial of x.
÷Computes x ÷ y.
×Computes x × y.
Computes x − y.
+Computes x + y.
y^xComputes y raised to power x.
%Computes x / 100.
x^2Computes the square of x.
πComputes pi.
EnterPlaces the current value on the stack. If there is no current value, duplicates x.
BSRemoves the most recently entered digit or decimal point from the value in the Value Entry Area.

Pre-Programmed Buttons


|x|Computes the absolute value of x.Main.absoluteValue(x)
Integer Part(x)Replaces x with the whole number portion of x.Main.integerPart(x)
Fractional Part(x)Replaces x with the fractional portion of x.Main.fractionalPart
Round(x)Rounds x.Main.round(x)
⌊x⌋Computes the floor of x. In other words, the largest whole number not greater than x.Main.floor(x)
⌈x⌉Computes the ceiling of x. In other words, the smallest whole number not less than x.Main.ceiling
log(x)Computes the common (base 10) logarithm of x.Main.Log
10^xComputes the inverse decimal logarithm of x. In other words, computes 10 raised to the power of x.Main.tenToX(x)
eComputes Euler's constant. e = 2.71828...Main.e
LN(x)Computes the natural logarithm of x.Main.LN(x)
e^xComputes the inverse natural logarithm of x.Main.e_To_x(x)
modulo(n, divisor)Computes n modulo divisor. The modulo operation returns the integer division remainder.Main.modulo(n, divisor)
Find Fraction(number, iterations)Computes an approximate fraction for x, with a precision proportional to y. For example, Find Fraction(3.14159, 100) = [3, 12, 85] since 3.14159 ≈ 3 12/85.Main.findFraction(number, iterations)


Degrees → RadiansConverts x, which must be a value in degrees, into radians.Trig.radians(degrees)
Radians → DegreesConverts x, which must be a value in radians, into degrees.Trig.degrees(radians)
Sin(degrees)Computes the sine of x, which must be a value in degrees.Trig.Sin(degrees)
ASin(x)Computes the inverse sine of x, in degrees.Trig.ASin(x)
Cos(degrees)Computes the cosine of x, which must be a value in degrees.Trig.Cos(degrees)
ACos(x)Computes the inverse cosine of x, in degrees.Trig.ACos(x)
Tan(degrees)Computes the tangent of x, which must be a value in degrees.Trig.Tan(degrees)
ATan(x)Computes the inverse tangent of x, in degrees.Trig.ATan(x)
SinH(x)Computes the hyperbolic sine of x, which must be a value in degrees.Trig.SinH
ASinH(x)Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of x, in degrees.Trig.ASinH(x)
CosH(x)Computes the hyperbolic cosine of x, which must be a value in degrees.Trig.CosH(x)
ACosH(x)Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x, in degrees.Trig.ACosH(x)
TanH(x)Computes the hyperbolic tangent of x, which must be a value in degrees.Trig.TanH(x)
ATanH(x)Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x, in degrees.Trig.ATanH(x)


Mean(array)Computes the average value of the values in x, which must be an array.Statistics.Mean(array)
Median(array)Computes the median value in x, which must be an array.Statistics.Median(array)
Variance(array)Computes the population variance (σ2) of the values in x, which must be an array.Statistics.Variance(array)
Std. Dev.(array)Computes the population standard deviation (σ) of the values in x, which must be an array.Statistics.standardDeviation(array)


Create Variable(value)Stores x as a variable. The user is prompted to supply the variable's name.Memory.CreateVariable(value)
Retrieve VariableRetrieves a variable value selected by the user.Memory.retrieveVariable()
Update Variable(value)Updates the value of a variable selected by the user.Memory.updateVariable(value)
Delete VariableDeletes a variable selected by the user. Note: having a large number of variables can reduce performance. Delete variables when they are no longer needed.Memory.deleteVariable()
Delete All VariablesDeletes all stored values and log entries. Note: having a large number of variables can reduce performance. Delete variables when they are no longer needed.Memory.deleteAllVariables()


NowCalculates the current date and time (returns a JavaScript Date object).Dates.Now()
Enter Date/TimePrompts the user for a date and time, and returns the corresponding date time (JavaScript Date object).Dates.enterDateTime()
Diff in Days(d1, d2)Calculates the difference, in decimal days, between two date times (JavaScript Date objects).Dates.diffInDays(d1, d2)
Add Interval(date, interval)Adds the interval to the date.Dates.prototype.addInterval(date, interval)
Subtract Interval(date, interval)Subtracts the interval from the date.Dates.prototype.subtractInterval(date, interval)
Enter IntervalPrompts the user for an interval. An interval is a specified number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.Interval.prototype.enterInterval()


ClearDeletes all log entries.Log.Clear()
Get LogReturns the log entries. Note, you'll want to long-click the stack and select "Display Stack Contents" to view the log entries.Log.getLog()

Computer Math

Enter BinPrompts the user to enter a binary (base 2) number.ComputerMath.enterBin()
Enter OctPrompts the user to enter an octal (base 8) number.ComputerMath.enterOct()
Enter DecPrompts the user to enter a decimal (base 10) number.ComputerMath.enterDec()
Enter HexPrompts the user to enter a hexadecimal (base 16) number.ComputerMath.enterHex()
→BinConverts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number to binary.ComputerMath.toBin()
→OctConverts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number to octal.ComputerMath.toOct()
→DecConverts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number to decimal.ComputerMath.ToDec()
→HexConverts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number to hexadecimal.ComputerMath.ToHex()
+Adds two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers.ComputerMath.add(a, b)
Subtracts two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers.ComputerMath.subtract(a, b)
×Multiplies two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers.ComputerMath.multiply(a, b)
÷Divides two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers.ComputerMath.divide(a, b)
And(a, b)Calculates the bitwise AND of two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers.ComputerMath.And(a, b)
Or(a,b)Calculates the bitwise OR of two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers.ComputerMath.Or(a, b)
XOr(a, b)Calculates the bitwise Exclusive OR of two binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers.ComputerMath.XOr(a, b)
Not(a)Calculates the one's compliment of a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number.ComputerMath.Not(a)
→DoubleConverts a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal number into a double-precision floating point value.ComputerMath.toDecimal(n)


Custom button scripts can interactively prompt the user for values. See Prompts for details.

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